Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Lord of the Flies - Study Questions

Chapters 1 – 3 

1.      How do Ralph and Peggy find the lost boys?
2.      How old are the boys?
3.      How are the boys dressed in black gowns?
4.      Who is elected leader of the group? Who challenges him to this position?
5.      What is the role of the choir boys?
6.      What is the big declaration that Ralph makes about the conch shell in chapter 2?
7.      What are the two things that horrify the boys on the island?
8.      How do they propose to get off the island?
9.      How do they set the wood on fire? Are they successful?
10.  What is the result of their frenzied reckless disorganization
11.  What is the first weapon created by Jack? What is its purpose?
12.  What is the cause of Ralph’s irritation? 
13.  What causes the first argument between Ralph and Jack?

Chapters 4-6 

1.      What are the bizzare images that flicker over the ater?
Mirages caused by sunlight striking the water
2.      What gives the little boys nightmare and diarrhea?
3.      Who are Roger and Maurice?
4.      Give an example of Jack’s instincts declining towards savagery.  
5.      Why doesn’t the ship rescue the boys?
6.      What is the difference between  Simon, Ralph Piggy vs Roger and Jack? 
7.      What does Jack say during the meeting?
8.      How are Ralph’s and Jack’s responses to the beast different?
9.      What does Simon realize about the beast?
10.  What really falls from the sky? What is it assumed to be?
11.  What is the outcome of this revelation?
12.  What happened during this expedition?

Chapter 9

1.     What is the purpose of the beast for Jack?

2.     Who discovers the reality of the beast and how?

3.     Who kills Simon?

4.     What is the effect of the storm on the island?

Chapter 10

1.     How do Ralph, Piggy and Jack react to Simon’s death?

2.     Why do the hunters attack Ralph’s camp?

Chapter 11

1.     How does Piggy die?

2.     How does Ralph save his life?

Chapter 12

1.     What steps does Jack take to find Ralph?

2.     What saves Ralph from a violent death?

3.     Why are the officers so surprised?

4.     Why do the boys cry in the end?

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