was Abdullah ibn Abbas (r.a) born and when did he die?
2. How
did the close and intimate relationship between Abdullah ibn Abbas (r.a) and
the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) begin?
-What is tehneek?
-What is aqeeqah?
-What is the age of discretion?
What is the age of responsibility?
3. Describe
some of the activities of Abdullah ibn Abbas (r.a) as a young boy?
4. How
did Abdullah ibn Abbas (r.a) use his young and innocent mind?
5. What
duaa would the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) frequently make for Abdullah ibn Abbas
6. What
is wisdom?
7. What
would Abdullah ibn Abbas (r.a) do if he found someone knowledge of the hadith
of the Prophet (s.a.w)?
-What is a hadith?
-What is the benefit of following
the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)?
8. Who
are we commanded to treat the learned ones among us?
9. What
did Masruq ibn al Ajda say about Abdullah ibn Abbas (r.a)?
10. How
did Umar ibn al Khattab describe him?
11. What
did Abdullah do with his house?
-What is the importance of wudu
12. What
are some of Abdullah ibn Abbas’s expertise?
13. What was his house full of (r.a)?
14. Use
one textual evidence to suggest that Abdullah ibn Abbas was enthusiastic about
the Qur’an?
15. What
would make him cry?
16. How
did he die?
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