Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Newspaper Report Assignment

Dear Students,
You have just been hired as a reporter for Maycomb Central. Your job is to bring attention any two of the following issues:
a. The Tom Robinson trial 
b. Tom Robinson's death
c. Attack on Jem and Scout 

Your report will appear in the Maycomb newspaper. Your report must tell the readers about the select events that have been happening in Maycomb.

When you plan your news story, remember that newspaper reports usually provide the answers to the questions WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN , WHY, HOW?
ü Who is the main person the story is about?
ü What has happened to him?
ü Where did the event take place?
ü When did it happen?
ü Why did it happen?
ü How did it take place?

You may have to study the novel again. Look closely for the key features to build your newspaper report.
ü the headline catches the reader's attention
ü the first paragraph gives the main point of the story and answers the question who
ü the following paragraphs provide answers to the questions what, where, when, why and how
ü the paragraphs are short and punchy, giving information in a clear and concise way
ü there are references to what people said, either using direct speech (use of inverted
ü commas indicates what the character actually said) or reported speech (no inverted commas - the main points of the character's speech but not in the actual words he said)
ü use of past tense because the report refers to an event which has already taken place
ü use of columns in accordance with newspaper presentation

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